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Sunday April 7, 2024 | Evento

  • Coinciding with World Health Week, ‘BioMed & Tech Talks’ will be held in Granada from Monday 8 to Thursday 11 April 2024 to give visibility to advances in biomedicine and biotechnology.
  • More than 40 international and national speakers (more than 40% of whom are women) make up the top-level agenda.
  • ‘BioMed & Tech Talks in Granada will be an international, national and regional meeting point to highlight and give visibility to pioneering projects and solutions in the health sector”, announces María Medina, Director of Medina Media Events (MME), the company organizing the event.
  • Dr. Álvaro Pascual-Leone, Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, will be the ‘Speaker of Honor’ of this first edition.
  • The cure for Alzheimer’s in 10 years or why 30-40% of medical treatments do not work are some of the topics that BM&TTalks will discuss in depth.
  • Fundación Progreso y Salud (FPS), of the Consejería de Salud y Consumo (Junta de Andalucía), collaborates in the celebration of this event called to be a reference of biomedicine and biotechnology in the south of Europe.

Granada, April 7, 2024.- The Hospital Clínico Universitario San Cecilio, located in the Granada Health Technology Park, will host the first edition of ‘BioMed & Tech Talks‘: Your appointment with research and innovation, a new independent, transversal, international and multidisciplinary event to be held between April 8 and 11, coinciding with World Health Week.

Today, Sunday, April 7, World Health Day, more than 40 experts in biomedicine and biotechnology, more than 40% of whom are women, will be arriving in Granada to participate in ‘BioMed & Tech Talks‘, with a hybrid format of two face-to-face sessions (April 8 and 9) and two virtual sessions (April 10 and 11).

With a full agenda that will bring together experts, researchers, universities, investors and multinationals, “‘BioMed & Tech Talks’ in Granada will be an international, national and regional meeting point to highlight and give visibility to pioneering projects and solutions in the healthcare sector. An ideal place where the latest advances in BioMedicine and BioTechnology will be presented in an inspirational environment“, announces María Medina, Director of Medina Media Events (MME), organizer of the event.

BioMed&Tech Talks’ is supported by the Progreso y Salud Foundation (FPS), the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Andalusian Regional Government, and with the participation of representatives from the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Commission, Farmaindustria, the Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA) and health communicators’ associations, such as ANIS, InterNews Network, AEC2 and ComunicaBiotec.
Andalusia as the backbone

This first edition will be inaugurated by the Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Catalina García Carrasco, and will be attended by an eminent neuroscientist, Dr. Álvaro Pascual-Leone, Professor of Neuroscience, Dr. Álvaro Pascual-Leone, Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, who will be the ‘Speaker of Honor’ at an event in which the pharmaceutical company Farmaindustria will also be present, with the participation of Amelia Martín Uranga, Director of Clinical and Translational Research.


The Andalusian Regional Government, through the Progress and Health Foundation (FPS), of the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, will actively participate in the ‘BioMed & Tech Talks’ with twenty representatives of Andalusian Public Health, who will share all their experiences, projects and work through four thematic blocks in which the conference will be divided. Tech Talks’ with around twenty representatives of Andalusian Public Health, who will share all their experiences, projects and work through the four thematic blocks into which the conference will be divided, from the connection between medicine and Artificial Intelligence to the challenges of clinical research, including public-private collaboration in health and scientific dialogue from Andalusia.


International presence


The agenda of ‘Bio Med & Tech Talks’ will also include a good number of prestigious international guests with special attention to Latin America, from where some of the most renowned speakers of this first edition come from, such as the Mexican-American doctor Marta Alarcón Riquelme, new director of the Center for Genomics and Oncology Research (GENYO) in Granada or the Colombian doctor Francisco Lopera, renowned Colombian neurologist who leads the Neurosciences Group of the University of Antioquia (Colombia). This participation will be combined with international representatives from the WHO, the European Commission and the InterNews Network.

For its part, the National Association of Health Informers (ANIS) will take advantage of this new framework provided by BM&TTalks to hold, on its 30th anniversary, the “First International Meeting of Health Informers” with directors of national and international health and science communication associations – from the United States, Latin America and Europe – after which they will present a manifesto of a strategy to fight disinformation.

Exhibition area with pioneering demonstrations

On Monday, April 8 and Tuesday, April 9, in the BM&TTalks exhibition area at the Hospital Clínico Universitario San Cecilio, attendees will be able to experience first-hand demonstrations by leading companies and organizations from around the world.

How to teleport yourself and interact with those who are farther away? The Finnish company Nokia will offer, thanks to the combination of traditional behavioral therapy with Extended Reality, the possibility to treat the phobias of people with intellectual disabilities. On the other hand, will also be present ‘The Owl’, an immersive communication application that uses telepresence to provide an experience much closer to a real meeting with human contact, being able to feel completely that you are in the other place.


Is it possible to cure diseases or reduce pain thanks to 3D bioprinting? Regemat3d will present a bioprinter and a bioreactor that make available to research and science a custom-designed technology, born to integrate the advantages of additive manufacturing with tissue engineering, applied to regenerative medicine.

In addition, attendees will learn first-hand why Hospital San Cecilio is one of the most outstanding hospitals: it has a heliport located on the roof, so that the patient can be unloaded directly and reach the operating room area through the elevators that reach the top floor.

For its part, IAVANTE will stage an ICU model to show the methodology to be used in complex and highly uncertain moments. The aim is to reproduce a clinical environment in which drastic decisions have to be taken in critical places.

An innovative format

The objective of ‘Bio Med & Tech Talks’ is to give visibility to all the leading national companies, multinationals, universities, institutions and experts who are working to be a reference in innovation, research and health training.

All BM&TTalks presentations can be followed through ‘The Observatory‘, the digital platform of Medina Media Events, where all interventions will also be available 24/365 for on-demand consumption, like Netflix, but free of charge.

The first edition of ‘BioMed & Tech Talks‘ is organized by Medina Media Events in collaboration with the Fundación Progreso y Salud of the Consejería de Salud y Consumo de la Junta de Andalucía and is supported by GSK, Nokia, El Observatorio and the Hospital Clínico Universitario San Cecilio. Also collaborating are Andalucía TRADE, ASEBIO, Wellness Forum and Granada Convention Bureau, among others.