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Friday April 5, 2024 | Evento

  • BioMed & Tech Talks’ will be held in Granada from April 8 to 11, 2024, coinciding with World Health Day and World Health Week.

Granada, April 5, 2024 – The Regional Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Catalina García Carrasco, will be in charge of inaugurating the first edition of ‘BioMed &Tech Talks’: Your appointment with research and innovation, a new independent, transversal, international and multidisciplinary event to be held in Granada from April 8 to 11, 2024, coinciding with World Health Day and Week.

The event, which will also be attended by Isaac Tunis, Secretary General for Public Health and R&D&I in Health of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Regional Government of Andalusia, and Jose Juan Jimenez Moleon, delegate of the Rector for Health of the University of Granada, will give visibility to innovative projects and research in the BioMedicine and BioTechnology sectors and the work of institutions, foundations and industry in the sector will be presented by renowned experts in health, medicine and other technological fields. Among them, a total of 20 representatives of the Public Health of Andalusia, who will intervene framed in different thematic blocks throughout the four days (two presential and two virtual) in which this event will be developed, called to be a reference of biomedicine and biotechnology in the south of Europe.


BioMed & Tech Talks’ is supported by the Fundación Progreso y Salud (FPS), of the Consejería de Salud y Consumo of the Junta de Andalucía, and representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Commission, Harvard Medical School, Farmaindustria, the Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA), and associations of health informers, such as ANIS, AEC2 and ComunicaBiotec, among others, have also confirmed their participation.

Data science-based medicine

One of the main thematic axes around which this event will revolve will be Artificial Intelligence and its connection with medicine. Joaquín Dopazo, director of the Computational Medicine Platform of the Progreso y Salud Foundation, will be in charge of offering a broad vision from the Andalusian point of view of medicine based on data science, a field in constant growth that promises to revolutionize the way in which diseases are diagnosed and treated.

AI offers enormous benefits in terms of diagnostic accuracy, efficiency and discovery of new treatments and the ‘BioMed & Tech Talks’ will allow us to learn more about this revolution in medicine. An exciting topic that will also be addressed by Miguel Ángel Armengol, Big Data coordinator of the Computational Medicine Platform.

Clinical research: challenges and challenges

Clinical research is a fundamental pillar in the future of medicine, as there is a growing need to understand the complexity of a large number of diseases affecting the population and to develop more effective and personalized treatments. This will be another important thematic block in the ‘BioMed &Tech Talks’ in Granada in which renowned experts such as Blanca Quijano, head of Clinical Operations of the Andalusian Network for the Design and Translation of Advanced Therapies of the Progreso y Salud Foundation, or Manuel Romero, specialist in Digestive System at the Virgen del Rocío Hospital in Seville and Professor of Medicine at the University of Seville, will discuss in depth.

Manuel Reyes, Managing Director of Hospital Clínico San Cecilio, where this first edition of the ‘BioMed & Tech Talks’ will take place, will welcome the attendees to the second day.

Other participants will include Olga Genilloud, Scientific Director of the MEDINA Foundation; Sarah E. Biel Gleeson, Manager of the Institute of Biosanitary Research of Granada (ibs.Granada) and director-manager of the FIBAO Foundation; Jesús Rodríguez-Baño, Head of the Infectious Diseases Service of the Virgen Macarena Hospital and Professor of Medicine at the University of Seville, and José Aneiros Fernández, Head of Digital and Computational Pathology of the Regional Intercenter Pathology Service of Granada, who will present the work being carried out in the field of high-level clinical research and the importance of innovation and the application of technology in the healthcare sector, among other topics.

Luis González Ruiz, Managing Director of the Granada Health Technology Park Foundation; and Marcelo Vázquez, President of the Innovation and New Technologies Commission of the Granada Confederation of Employers (CGE) and President of the onTech Innovation Cluster and Granada Technology Circle, will be some of the virtual protagonists of ‘BioMed & Tech Talks‘, who will offer a broad vision of the sector from a business point of view and everything surrounding the Granada Health Technology Park (PTS).

Public-private collaboration in healthcare

Another of the cross-cutting themes of this event will be public-private collaboration in healthcare. The creation of synergies in this sector is a priority issue for the development of medicine and research, and experts in this field will speak at the BioMed & Tech Talks, such as Javier Montero, Director of the Technical Office of Public Procurement of Innovation in Health; Pablo Hervás, Deputy Director of the Technology Transfer Office of the Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA); and Jesús Herrera García, Healthcare System Partner at Roche Farma. Jesús Herrera García, Healthcare System Partner at Roche Farma.

Scientific dialogue from Andalusia: precision medicine

Within research and technological innovation in the healthcare sector, one of the blocks of the ‘BioMed & Tech Talks’ will deal with scientific dialogue from Andalusia in which precision medicine and value-based medicine will have a place. These are two innovative approaches in the field of healthcare that aim to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and personalization of treatments for patients.

María José Sánchez Pérez, Scientific Director of ibs.Granada and professor at the Andalusian School of Public Health; Armando Romanos, director of IAVANTE of the Progress and Health Foundation (FPS) and José Manuel Puerta, Scientific Director of the Andalusian Public Health BIOBANK, will bring to the attendees of this pioneering event in southern Europe these novel approaches to medicine that seek to personalize treatments for patients and maximize health outcomes at lower cost and optimizing resources.

Innovative format for a high-level event

The Hospital Universitario Clínico San Cecilio will host the first edition of ‘BioMed&Tech Talks’: Your appointment with research and innovation, a new independent, transversal, international and multidisciplinary event that from April 8 to 11, 2024, coinciding with the World Health Day and Week, will give visibility to innovative projects in BioMedicine and BioTechnology.

The agenda will include two face-to-face sessions (Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 April) and two virtual sessions (10 and 11). This format makes it easier for speakers who cannot travel to Granada to share their progress and messages with the entire community, which raises the academic level of this event to the highest level.

All BM&TTalks presentations can be followed through The Observatory‘, the digital platform of Medina Media Events, where all interventions will be available 24/365 for on-demand consumption, like Netflix, but free of charge.

The first edition of ‘BioMed & Tech Talks’ is organized by Medina Media Events in collaboration with the Fundación Progreso y Salud of the Consejería de Salud y Consumo de la Junta de Andalucía and is supported by GSK, Nokia, El Observatorio and the Hospital Clínico Universitario San Cecilio. Also collaborating are Andalucía TRADE, ASEBIO, Wellness Forum, Granada Convention Bureau, among others.